Stàn Bert Singer - Vita And Exhibitions:
Find below detailed information about Stàn Bert Singer`s vita, exhibitions, and worklist.
Latest news:
2023: Pre-announcement solo exhibition Vienna Center Gallery1503 Sept 2023
2023: Group Exhibition Sugarman Peterson Gallery New Mexico, USA, USA
2023: IGOR-selected-finalist |17th Annual International IGOR Juried Exhibition|023: Group-2023: Luxemburg Art Prize - Pinakothekt - most meritorious artists
2022: IGOR Member
2021: Luxemburg Art Prize - appreciation
2021: Modern Madonnas, Solo Exhibition Vienna
2020: "Faces and Bodies", Group Exhibition Vienna
2019: Replica for "The Lady with the ermine" by Leonardo da Vinci
SBS - Stàn Bert Singer | in 17 Words |
"Who is able to see the dignity of woman - who to preserve it - who to depict it?"
Vienna - 1984-1996
In architecture, drawing, as well as in painting, which Singer received at the University of Vienna at Karlsplatz, near the Secession, under Prof. Arch. R. Göschl.
Degree as Master, Dipl.-Ing. Architecture
Artistic education in painting, drawing, partly sculpture / modelling
The main focus of Stàn Bert Singer`s work is the human body and portrait.
"Stàn B. Singer is fascinated by femininity and influenced by the old masters and their painting techniques. His works show the beauty, but also the vulnerability, exploitation, and consumption of women as commodities and 'used'. With the means of painting, he wants to give back to women their dignity—his work is not looking for striking provocation, but more in beauty and appreciation with subtle criticism.”
Themes, Messages, And Theories Behind My Work
Singer`s themes relate to the beauty, eroticism, dignity, and suffering of women. Since ancient times, women have been exploited as commodities as slaves, courtesans, advertising media, and objects of pleasure - commodities. In the present day in countless photos range from erotic to pornography. With His works, whose foundations partly come from erotic internet sites, he would like to refer to this and, with the help of painting, raise the image as a mass commodity to an art object with value and dignity, thus giving the young girls and women back their dignity.
Of course, this subtle criticism is not the theme of all his paintings - often, Stàn B. Singer is simply concerned with the beauty and grace of the woman.
Artistic approach? (Style, medium, and specific techniques.)
Singer gives a lot of care at the beginning of his works, the subject, the proportion - this all needs a thorough examination - especially in portraiture.
Details and atmosphere are very important in his work. Singer, therefore, developed a technique called the "Dietro Aria" technique, which means "behind the air." It is a kind of sfumato technique; the pictures are detailed but still somehow "blurred," just as natural vision is - Zitat Singer: "In the normal way of seeing there is no "photorealism existing."
Latest Acknowledgements, Press
2021 Interview: Stàn Bert Singer on Modern Madonnas | Arttrado, Robert Heidemann
2021 Luxemburg art prize 2021 appreciation
2021 Robert Heidemann Stàn Bert Singer und Dieter Hanf
2020 Luxury Splash of Art Kamila Krzyzaniak- True Art comes from the ability
2020 Hedi Grager- Stàn Bert Singer: Contemporary Austrian Painter
Stàn’s Vita (Life and Work History) in Chronological:
In Austria near Vienna in a small village.
1984s: Study of architecture and drawing painting at the University of Vienna on Karlsplatz. Near the Secession, under Prof. Arch. R. Göschl. Vienna
1986: Study trip to Venice. Watercolor painting and drawing.
1988: Painting and Drawing Training at the University Karlsplatz Prof. Göschl
Diploma in Architecture - Degree Dipl.-Ing. d. Architecture
Self-Taught Activity Following:
1995: Beginning of the autodidactic approach to the medium of oil
1996: Expressive and abstract works on the act and experimental phase with the medium oil.
1996: exhibitions in Lower Austria
1998: Continuation of the abstractions
1999: Turning point: turning away from abstraction and devoting attention to figurative painting. Erotic themes and portraits in the focus of interest, resulting in the theme of the erotic portrait.
1999: Beginning studying the so-called "Old Master techniques."
2001: Trip to Malta and study of the paintings of Caravaggio
2002-2009: Portrait and Erotic works in the center of creativity.
Another focus is his so-called "time paintings." Topic: To capture time and movement in painting. In addition, photographs became more and more important in the development or as the basis of the painted motifs. These pictures are not yet online on the homepage - Singer now concentrates exclusively on classical painting.
2009: International activity with collectors and art enthusiasts on linked in and first marketing via online platforms.
2010: "Give them back their dignity" Erotic photo templates serve to create aesthetic oil paintings. Theme: The dignity of the women and girls of the countless erotic sites on the Internet should be given back their dignity with the help of painting SBS: "Give them back their dignity "!
Through the medium of oil, particularly by the Old Master technique, the picture is not just a snapshot or any other nude shot, but by the deliberate debate which image is chosen and in what way it is implemented - the subject is increased. The dignity of the woman is underlined and respected.
2010: Focus is on Portrait and Charismatic of the Woman, as a Portrayed Person. Out of the dark series: 3 oil paintings in old master technique and 3 oil paintings in wiping technique - they seem to appear out of nowhere - out of the darkness.
In addition, private contract works are done.
2012: private exhibition, sales, and private commissions
2012: Participation in NPG National Portrait Gallery BP Portrait Award London
2012: Art Miami Online (juried)
2012: Exhibition Latte Grande Vienna
2012: MUSA Vienna
2013: Participation in NPG National Portrait Gallery BP Portrait Award London
Focus on online sales and private orders
2013-2017: Participation in various international competitions such as NPG, ARC, Mall Gallery
2015: Participation in NPG National Portrait Gallery BP Portrait Award London
2017: Participation in the prestigious competition of the ARC Art Renewal Center of Fine Art.
2017: Portrait assignments - Women in Greek mythology
2018: Galerie Artinnovation Exhibition Austria Linz
2018: joint exhibition. Represented topic by Stàn Bert Singer: "Women in mythology."
2019: Galerie Representative in planning status with the Vienese Galerie Burn-In Vienna > canceled
2019: Leonardo da Vinci Experiment: Technical Replica for "The Lady with the ermine" by Leonardo da Vinci in 18 months working time.
2020: Dietro Aria Technique: "Enzhe - Where are you" "Enzhe - I see you."
2020: "The annunciation serial" in Dietro Aria Technique
2020: "Faces and bodies" Gallery1503 Vienna Solo exhibition
2020: Solo Exhibition by Gallery1503 Vienna "Faces and bodies" Virtually
2021: NEW Madonnas - EU Tour Exhibition: Exhibition planned for Praha, Germany, and GB, was canceled because of Corona together with fine art photographer Dieter Hanf.
2021: Singulart approved and curated artist
2021: Luxemburg art prize 2021 appreciation
2022: Artfair Cologne 2022
2022: IGOR Member (IGOR = International Guild of Realism)
2022: New Madonna's Project
2022: Gallery1503: Artfair Konstanz Group-exhibition with Gallery1503
2023: Luxemburg Art Prize - Pinakothekt - most meritorious artists
2023: IGOR-selected-finalis
2023: Exhibition Sugarman-Peterson Gallery in Santa Fe, NM, UNited States
001 Zwei Mädchen am Fenster 1991
002 Girl in the door
003 Roca
004 Vater – Portraitskizze 2007
2006 26 100
2006 20 30
005 Roz am Kahlemberg
006 Time-serie Girl on the beach
007 Roz Studie mit Zöpfe
008 Rozann Piroschka 1
009 Rozanna mit Spiegel Portrait
010 Portrait Skizze Julia 2009
010 Rozanna Time 2009
011 Brohter of the Sphinxface (Studie Manier Carl L. Müller)
012 Time-serie Girl in the Sofa 2009 60 40
013 Time-serie Rozas Time 2009 32 27
014 Selbstportrait Studie (old master beginn) 2008 31 70
015 Blonde Nymphe mit Apfel 2010 24 31
016 Citronen 2010
017 Girl at frame house 2010 43 57
018 Girls at home 2010 57 46
019 Landschaft Korfu 2010
020 Mächen auf der Alm 2010 42 57
021 Time-Serie the Beach 2008 100 40
021 Mädchen und Schaukel 2010 36 65
022 Orientschöne aus 19 Jhd 2010 38 48
023 Piroschka 2 2010 49 29
024 Pointed Girl 2010 29 42
025 Pointed girl in time 2010 29 42
026 Pointed girl standing 2010 29 42
027 Rozanna mit Zöpfe 2010 30 38
028 Selbstportrait Studie (old master beginn) 2010 46 38
029 Time Serie 1 Lion on the sofa 2010 60 40
030 Time Serie 2 Lions on the sofa 2010 60 40
031 Time Serie Girls and Rocks 2010 50 40
032 Time Serie Have some time on the beach 2008 100 50
033 Time Serie lonesome Girl on the beach 2010 80 80
034 Time Serie Time on the sofa (Roca) 2010 100 50
035 Zwei Mädchen in Kairo 2010
036 Galuk 2011 60 40
037 Galuk and mother 2011 60 40
038 Girl in front of window 2011 100
039 Kasachische Steppe
040 Mädchen am Stuhl
041 Out of the dark -1-triptichon-links-the girl with jewels
042 Out of the dark -2-triptichon-mitte- The face
043 Out of the dark -3-triptichon-rechts-selbst
044 Rosenmädchen
045 Rote Nymphe am Fenster
046 Schwarze Nymphe am Sofa
047 Aktstudie
048 Annette am Holztisch
049 Dark Portrait-1 – internet girl
050 Dark Portrait-2 – internet girl-Roza
051 Dark Portrait-3
052 Girl with jeans
053 Mädchen und schwebender Sessel
054 Skizze junges Mädchen (nude sketch)
055 Portrait Studiewelliges Haar
056 Portraitskizze Zigeunerin
057 Portraitskizze nach Heborn Manier
058 Roza Steppenmädchen
059 W.F. Großvater
060 Victoria
061 Selbstportrait – 1- 2011
062 Selbstportrait – 2- 2011
063 Roza am Sofa in Wien
064 Junges Mädchen Rötelskizze
065 Androgyne/r
066 Victoria Suvorova Portrait
067 Erinnerung an Roza
068 Der Grieche
069 Roza mit Haube
070 Anette Studie
071 Roza Elba 2005
072 Roza Elba Studie 2005
073 Anna
074 Mädchen am Fenster
075 Selbstportrait Studienskizze
076 Leopold Cal Müller (Rozannas skizze) Rückseite
077 Rozanna im Schlafrock
078 Rozanna am Bett vor Blau mit Polster
079 fenst
080 Korfu-2009 Klyfada beach
081 lonsome girl expressinismus
082 Korfu-2009 Klyfada beach – der steg
083 Korfu-2009 Klyfada beach – der Fels
084 Korfu 2011 Der Regenschirm
085 Korfu 2009 Hotel
086 Korfu 2009 Der Srand
088 Salome – John I am only dancing
089 Victoria Zakynthos
090 Vica on chair - 2014 - BUDINSKYGASSE
091 Mädchen vor Zugfenster
092 Roca-last time together
093 Sad Girl at Kahlenberg (Oxana)
094 Andrea C
095 Simon and Pero
096 Face out of the dark 2017
097 Neirede Skizze zu Ölbild
098 Dimitri Corfu 2016-2018
099 Neirede 2 Skizze zu
100 Die Träumende
101 Chloris
102 Did Venus lose the fight against cupid
103 Hygeia
104 Mother and child
105 Woman in Bedroom
106 Corfu Strand von Glyfady 2016-08
107 Amphitrite losing her cloths 2019-03
108 Amphitrite and pieride fighting for the ring 2019-05
109 The nymph 2015
110 Portrait Stefan 2019
111 Frau mit Hermelin 2019- 2020
112 Der Geringste 2019-04
113 Die Suchende
114 Das Mädchen mit dem Halsreif 2019
115 Selbstportrait 2019
116 Der Strand von Glyfady (the secret vortices) 2019
117 Das Mädchen mit der Sanduhr (Konzept) 2019
118 Enzhe - Wo bist du? 2020 Dietro Aria Technique
119 Enzhe - Ich sehe Dich! 2020 Dietro Aria Technique
120 Selbstportrait frontal 2020 Dietro Aria Technique
121 Before the annunciation - The rest 2019 (Serie Annunciation with 5 paintings)
122 After the Annunciation 2019 - (Serie Annunciation with 5 paintings)
123 The Annunciation 2019 - (Serie Annunciation with 5 paintings)
124 Before the annunciation - The Bassin 2020
125 Girl with water jug Commission
126 Commission The annunciation- The arrival of the angel
127 Before the annunciation - the window (Serie annunciation with 5 paintings)
128 La affascinante (New Madonnas), Julia Hosa
129 Galina Stukalova Галина Стукалова (New Madonnas)
130 Self-portrait
131 Ginevra de’ Benci Commission
132 Julia Юлия BelRU Commission (New Madonnas)
133 Julia Hosa Portrait (New Madonnas)
134 Jade (New Madonnas)
135 - The Good by - I go (draft in pencil for the painting)
135 Woman at the door (in working progress)
137 Menetekel
Vienna - 1984-2022
With great pleasure, Stàn takes on commissions for portraits, mythology, nudes, and waterscapes.
God bless You,
Stàn Bert Singer
Vienna Dez 2021
VITA Stàn Bert Singer